
Occasionally, in order for your pet to receive the best care possible, it may be necessary to refer you to a veterinary specialist. These doctors have additional training and facilities that can provide you with more options for diagnostics and treatment.
We are fortunate in our area to have fine referral clinics with specialists in many areas. Depending on your pet's condition and your location, we may refer you to one of the following clinics.
Traveling Certified Surgeon that performs at Arnold Animal Hospital
Small Animal Hospital
Regular Hours: (573) 882-7821
After Hours: (573) 882-4589
Regular Hours: M-F, 8AM - 5PM
Emergencies: Daily, 6AM - 12AM
Equine Hospital
Regular Hours: (573) 882-3513
After Hours: (573) 882-4589
Regular Hours: M-F, 8AM - 5PM
Emergencies: Open 24 Hours a Day
Food Animal Hospital
Regular Hours: (573) 882-6857
After Hours: (573) 882-4589
Regular Hours: M-F, 8AM - 5PM
Emergencies: Open 24 Hours a Day